Monday, October 26, 2009

One Thousand Gifts

I am happily joining the One Thousand Gifts community over at Holy Experience.  After I started reading Ann's blog, I felt a sudden shift in how I view my own many amazing gifts I have been given by God.  As a stay-at-home mom, I often get lost in the shuffle of day to day life.  But when I started to really look at all the "little things" I am grateful for, I started to appreciate life's precious moments that seemed to be appearing everywhere around me.  So, here is my first Multitude Monday blog.....I hope to be up to a thousand soon!

1. Beautiful Sunday afternoon's to play in the leaves

2. Uncles who still act like kids

3. Carving pumpkins as a family


4. Logs waiting to be tossed on the fire

5. Soft blankets to snuggle up with on a cold night

6. Bouncing curls
7. An understanding husband
8. Humor
9. "I love you mommy" so often at this age
10. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies made by Nana

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Hot Cup of Tea

Yesterday the three of us went to a Tea House.  It has been extremely cloudy and rainy here, and does not look like there is an end in sight anytime soon.  Having a hot cup of tea seemed to be the perfect cure for all of us.  It is the neatest little place, when you enter the old Victorian house you are overwhelmed with the smell of fresh baked cookies and scones.  I hate to say that the smell of food affects me like this, but is just puts me at ease as soon as I walk in the door.  It reminds me of walking into my Grandma's house.  Bryan and I split a bottomless pot of vanilla, caramel tea, and Bella orders her iced tea which they bring in a beautiful little pot.  They bring us all fancy cups and saucers, Bella gets a "little girl" sized one.  As we sit there sipping tea, and eating treats I look up at her and she is just shining.  You can tell she just loves every minute of this.  Mom and Dad all to herself, feeling like such a big girl.....and of course the sugar filled cookie does not hurt!

But during these moments, I think how blessed I am to have a little girl to share tea with.  I can only pray that our relationship will grow and flourish in the years to come, that we will share deep conversations over tea.....and maybe coffee.  That we will be able to talk about issues of the heart together.  But I know there will be times that our relationship will struggle, especially because of our similar personalities.  I believe I have fallen short in my prayers for her thus far.  There are so many things I can be praying for her specifically that I do not, but I want to start.  Praying for her future husband, praying for her faith, praying for our relationship, praying that in times of trial she turns to God.

And for right now, I know the most important thing I can do is to be walking with God everyday.  To be a living example to her of a Godly woman.  She will remember that more than anything else.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Bella comes into our room this morning at 6:30 a.m.  She cuddles up next to me.  I wrap my arms around her, so thankful for these moments......knowing they will be short lived.  Knowing one day soon she will be going to sleep-overs and driving to school.  Crawling into bed with Mom and Dad will be a thing of the past.

We drift off to sleep, suddenly she wakes me.
"Mommy you are snoring"
"Sorry honey"  and we fall back to sleep.  What seems like a minute later,
"Mommy you are snoring again"
"Sorry buddy mommy has a cold"  We drift back to sleep, or at least I do.
"Mommy you are still snoring"
"Bella I am really sorry, but you need to try and get some rest"

I really want to explain to her that I have about 15 extra pounds of babies that I am trying to manuever around pillows and blankets so I can get some rest.  My heartburn is making me feel as if steam is coming out of my ears,  and I do have a slight cold which isn't helping me sleep.  However, it is apparently making me snore.

Instead, I drift back to sleep laughing to myself.  Even three year olds can become agitated when things are not going their way.  But, I am still grateful for the chance to cuddle with her and scratch her back.

Reflecting on it this morning, I think about how as a parent I love these precious moments of cuddles and kisses from my daughter.  Knowing that God loves us in a way I can not even fathom, blows my mind sometimes.  He loves to embrace us despite our agitations when things do not seem to be going our way.

I was also laughing this morning at what my night stand has looked like as of late.  Mylanta, twin book, and wedding ring all resting beside each other.  Pregnancy is in a realm of its own!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My First Post

Well, I am joining the world of blogging.  I have thought a lot about what I want this blog to be about, and it really makes me step back and examine what I am about.  I can't claim to be the perfect mom, wife, or daughter because I am not.  I feel as if I am an ordinary woman made extraordinary by God's grace. 

"So why blog?"  I've asked myself continuously.  What can I bring to the table that so many amazing woman out there are not already accomplishing with their blogs?  God kept revealing to me that I had a story to tellA story that has turned out to be so different than I ever imagined, but I have found a beauty in the everyday moments that unite us all.  I have found beauty in the suffering, laughter, traveling, waiting, and serving.  My life has taken a few unexpected turns, but I can look at it and say "God is good".